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Фильмы DVD с доставкой Курган Тутаев Калуга

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Billy Joel Live at shea stadium (Blu-ray)

название: Billy Joel Live at shea stadium (Blu-ray)
жанр: Blu-ray disc, Западные исполнители, Музыка
год: 2011
длительность: 155 минут
качество: Blu-ray
цена: 275 руб.
This 2008 show from the legendary Shea Stadium features Long Island's own Billy Joel performing hits from throughout his decades long career including My Life, Summer, Highland Falls, We Didn't Start the Fire, and Scenes From an Italian Restaurant. The Piano Man is joined

1. Prelude / Angry Young Man
2. My Life
3. Summer Highland Falls
4. Everybody Loves You Now
5. Zanzibar
6. New York State of Mind
7. Allentown
8. The Ballad of Billy the Kid
9. She's Always a Woman
10. Goodnight Saigon
11. Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out On Broadway)
12. Shameless
13. This is the Time
14. Keeping the Faith
15. Captain Jack
16. Lullaby (Goodnight My Angel)
17. The River of Dreams / A Hard Day's Night
18. We Didn't Start the Fire
19. You May Be Right
20. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant
21. Only the Good Die Young
22. I Saw Her Standing There
23. Take Me Out To the Ballgame
24. Piano Man
25. Let It Be
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