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Electric Light Orchestra Out of the Blue Tour Live at Wembley (Blu-ray)

название: Electric Light Orchestra Out of the Blue Tour Live at Wembley (Blu-ray)
жанр: Blu-ray disc, Западные исполнители, Музыка
год: 1978
длительность: 62 минут
качество: Blu-ray
цена: 296 руб.
Eagle Vision s SD Blu-ray range presents upscaled standard definition original material with uncompressed stereo and DTS-HD Master Audio surround sound for the best possible quality. The Electric Light Orchestra are one of the most successful British bands of all time. Formed after the break-up of The Move in 1970, they pioneered the integration of orchestral instruments into pop music and released a series of groundbreaking and increasingly successful albums through the seventies that culminated in the multi-million selling Out Of The Blue . The main concert on this SD Blu-ray release is from the world tour for that album featuring their legendary spaceship stage design and was filmed at London s Wembley Arena in 1978. This show is combined with a wealth of bonus material to give an overview of E.L.O. performances right through the seventies.

01. Introduction
02. Standing In The Rain
03. Night In The City
04. Turn To Stone
05. Tightrope
06. Telephone Line
07. Rockaria!
08. Wild West Hero
09. Showdown
10. Sweet Talkin Woman
11. Mr Blue Sky
12. Do Ya
13. Livin Thing
14. Roll Over Beethoven
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